Leaving Something Great to Start Something New
After roughly seven years, I'm leaving Lovely Systems to start something new.

After roughly seven years, I'm leaving Lovely Systems to start something new. Together with Stefan and Simon we're starting a new chapter, a new adventure in our lives.
About some seven years ago, I joined Lovely Systems as a software engineer. While working with the team of Lovely, I was quickly introduced to one of the most advanced levels of software engineering. As a tech enthusiast I felt at home right away. The years passed and I learned a ton of new things.
I started out as a junior, tried to get my hands on every technical aspect I could. I helped building backends, worked on REST and GraphQL APIs, asynchronous pipelines digesting data, data importers, Webhooks, event systems. Migrated huge amounts of data from external database systems to our own database systems. Worked on the front end, built CMS and Admin user interfaces, as well as end user facing web sites and web apps. Released and deployed new features and fixes to our testing and production environments. Helped operating and maintaining these environments and may things more. I loved it. And still do.
As time passed, I started to see how every part works together and can be engineered to a beautiful system serving our customers needs. It was also the time when I started to interact more directly with our customers and not just with our code base. First, I only handled some simple support requests. Later, I helped to manage customer expectations and translate feature requests into code.
After 7 years, I can proudly say I helped to build software services which grew to a system handling roughly 40-60 million page impressions per month which generated revenue in the range of millions of euros for our customers over the years. But I was only a part of it. It wouldn't have been possible without the help of everyone single team member at Lovely Systems and the trust they put in me.
With that said, I want to thank all of you at Lovely Systems from the bottom of my heart ❤️
While working at Lovely, I met my now dear friend and co-founder, Stefan. Stefan was the product owner of one of our customer's project. We got along immediately. A wonderful work-relationship started to form. About a year later, Stefan joined Lovely and we started to work together even more closely. We worked on the same projects, solved many problems together, discussed hours about all sorts of different things. It didn't take us long to realize: "The both of us, we are a great combination. What else could we do as a team?". We had the same vision of things in many areas. Tech, business, life even. But both of us come from a different background which leads to very interesting discussions and solutions. It was always easy for us to decide why a problem needs to be solved and maybe what solution solution should exist. How the solution could be implemented however, was many times approached differently. Sometimes more, sometimes less differently. This combination of synergy and diversity makes working together easy and exciting at the same.
We decided to leave something great to start something new.
We founded marqant digital 🟨
In the coming years, we want to become a reliable partner in software engineering, product development, consulting, growth hacking, and more. Based in beautiful Austria, we'll be present in two locations; Vorarlberg and Vienna.
We're still in the early founding phase and will share more details in the coming days and weeks. If you're already interested follow us along our journey as we build our new company.